Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week 2...Eureka Moment

I work in a Pharmacy and we are not allow to bag family members prescriptions together, even if they were dropped together to the pharmacy by one of the family members. we have to give each member prescription separately, and give it only if the person asked for it.

So many times, a wife drops off prescriptions for her and for her husband, but when she comes to pick them up, she only asks for her prescriptions and she says that the husband will come to pick up his prescriptions after work or something like that. But, when a husband drops off prescriptions for him and for his wife, when he picks them up, he asks about his prescriptions and his wife's prescriptions.

For some reason, I always thought it will be the opposite, that is the wife will pick all family members prescriptions and not the husband. But it seems that I was wrong and I still could not figure out why it is that way.

Do you think this is because the husband cares more about the wife, or it is because ladies don't like to spend a lot of money on something it is not for them "as they say".


  1. Wow! That was really interesting. I thought the same as you - the wife would pick up all prescriptions and the husband would only pick up his own. Somehow we must both think that women are the care-givers and men are selfish. When I first read that the woman dropped off all prescriptions but only picked up her own, I thought maybe it had to do with insurance - maybe they each separately carry prescription drug insurance. But when you said the husband picks up his wife's, I got confused.

    I only pick up my own because I don't want to pay for anything that has to do with my husband. If there was no charge, I'd have no problem picking up both.

    Does this happen with many couples or one in particular?


  2. You will not believe if I said more than half of the couples does that. When I first start working in the Pharmacy and I noticed that I said maybe only young people do that, but later on I noticed that even older people do the same thing.


  3. I feel the husband knows if he does not ask for that medication, he will hear about it when he gets home. Men tend to be forgetful and it happens to my dad all the time. They have the mindset of being providers and always look out for everyone in their family.

  4. I'd have to agree with Cecilia... as odd as it sounds, men or husbands do like to feel like the providers of the home which may be a contributing factor to this strange occurance. Depending on the amount of the prescription, I may pick up my husbands if he asked or if I knew he had one waiting to be picked up. But I find it really odd that about half the population that visit your pharmacy choose not to (wives that is). The next time you conduct this private study can you observe the number of prescriptions and amount of the husband verses the wives? Maybe it's because men tend to have more chronic illness that require frequent refills than that of their counterparts,which would explain a lot. Keep me posted !
