Friday, June 26, 2009

Response to Teandra's eureka moment... Week 6

I think most men will be unhappy when they are working two jobs, and their wives are at home. For us women, many times we rather to be at home with the kids and take a good care of them rather than have them in day care or over a babysitter. But also, we can find men who want their wives to stay at home, but the wife wants to work outside her house like her husband.
My brother got married about two years ago, at first his wife was at home, but after 4 months she starts to look for a job because she got tired being at home most of the time. Now, she is pregnant and she is due in August. As my brother told me that they are fighting daily because he wants her to leave her job and stay at home relax and get ready for their first baby; but she doesn't want that. she wants to keep working until two weeks before her due date and she told him that she will go back to work a month after the baby born. Also, she is looking for a babysitter for the baby so he can get use to her from the day he born.

Response to Taran's Eureka Moment... Week 6

I think fathers are harder on their daughters' boyfriends more than the mothers on the boys' girlfriends, because many fathers care about their daughters more than they care about their sons, not because they like the girl more, but because they feel that boys are always stronger in their relationship than the girls.
Also, they feel more worried about the daughter than the son, because they think girls follow their hearts, while boys follow their minds. So, if the parents think that the girl's boyfriend is not good, no matter how much they will tell her she might not listen to them and keep following him because she loves him. But if they tell the boy that his girlfriend is not good, he will listen to his parents and leave his girlfriend.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Response to Tiffany's Blog... week 6

Tiffany, I do agree with you that many women when they succeed in their jobs, they will be so bossy and wants everyone to listen and obey them. Also, there is the other kinds of women who will not change no matter how high they get in their life. So, I think it depends more on the person's character.
In my work one of the technicians was regular technician like everyone else. Two years ago, she took the state test for the pharmacy and she passes it so she became the lead tech of the pharmacy. Now she gives orders to everyone and she asks every person to do the things she is supposed to do. One someone say anything to her, she will say "I know better than you, and that is why I am the lead tech." But before her we had a very nice lead tech, she use to do most of the work on her own, and she will ask us to help her if we can. She never was mean or gave any order to anyone.

Response to Joan's Eureka Moment...

I believe it is a great thing to see same gender group walking together and no one says anything about them. I heard so many people saying that men can't walk or be together because people think bad about them.
I have a little story I will share with you. When I first came to US, one time I was walking with my friend "girl" in the mall, and we were holding hands together. In my country this is normal and every two cloth friend when they walk together they will hold hands. So many people looked at us in a strange way, but that time I didn't know anything about "lesbian or gay" after several weeks I told the story to my cousin whose been here for so long. He laughed at me and he said I should never hold her hand again because people with think that we are lesbian.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Week 6....

This is not an eureka moment, but it is a true story happened with me and since that time I am searching for the answer of the questions came to my mind when I noticed the same thing happened many times.
Before I tell you the story, I have to give you a little information about myself so you can understand what happened. Probably most of you by now know that I am from Lebanon. My religion is Islam and I wear a scarf “covers my hair”. It is part of my religion to wear it.
The story starts when I was in high school several years ago. Many times a group of girl will come to me and ask me why I cover my hair, did anyone force me to do that, what will happen if I don’t wear the scarf…. I always answer them and never felt embarrassing or anything. The one time I felt shy and wanted to quiet high school is when a group of guys came to me and said “Do I wear this thing on my head because I don’t have any hair, and to cover that I am bold.” I looked at them and start crying, but I told them that they are wrong because I have a very long hair, and I cover it because it is my religion.
Later on, when I start my job in the pharmacy many ladies will come and ask me same question. Why do I cover my hair? They never talked to me in any embarrassing way. But many males when they want to ask me about it, they will start by saying “are you a nun” and then I will explain to them that I am not, and nun do not wear their scarf the way I wear mine. One time I get sick of them that asking me if I am a nun instead of just asking me what’s that thing on my head, when one asked me I told him “have you ever saw a nun wearing a colorful scarf, I know nuns wear white and black only.” He looked at me and he walked away.
What I didn’t understand whether males feel shy to ask about the scarf because I am a female or they ask in an embarrassing why so they don’t show that they don’t know about other religion like when they said “If I am a nun, do I have hair,” The other I thought about is that women don’t feel shy to ask and learn.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Response to Heather's eureka moment...Week 5

Heather, When I read your eureka moment, I remembered when I was a young girl "in Elementary and Middle school" and I was still in my country Lebanon. My dad was traveling a lot and he use to spend months outside Lebanon because of his job and we only see him for very short time. He didn't know anything about my school but when he is home he will ask me to show him my tests and report card.
One time I was in 4th grade and we had a big party at the end of the school year. The teacher asked all students to come on the last day with the mother & father. The night before the last day I cried a lot and I called my dad to ask him if he can come so he can go with me and my mom to school. He was in here "US".
I still remember his words to me. He said "If you called me two days before I would leave everything and come to be with you, but now it is too late, because if I leave US at this moment I will not make it because it is 12 hours flight”. To make me happy and feel that he cares about me he called the school and he talked to my teacher. She put him on speaker and every one heard him. After that all the students were telling me that I am so lucky because my dad called the school to make me feel he is with me and not feel without dad.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Response to Taran's Blog

I like your blog, I do believe that many people think that everything has bright colors it belongs to girls, and the dark colors are for boys.
One time I went with my brother shopping, he wanted to buy a phone case for his Itouch, there were so many different designs and colors, and he only liked one design. That design was on bright color cases only. He refused to buy any of them, and he asked them to special order one for him that it is either a white or black color.
When I asked him why he didn't buy any of them when they are cute colors, he said all of them have bright colors and they are for girls only.