Friday, June 19, 2009

Response to Heather's eureka moment...Week 5

Heather, When I read your eureka moment, I remembered when I was a young girl "in Elementary and Middle school" and I was still in my country Lebanon. My dad was traveling a lot and he use to spend months outside Lebanon because of his job and we only see him for very short time. He didn't know anything about my school but when he is home he will ask me to show him my tests and report card.
One time I was in 4th grade and we had a big party at the end of the school year. The teacher asked all students to come on the last day with the mother & father. The night before the last day I cried a lot and I called my dad to ask him if he can come so he can go with me and my mom to school. He was in here "US".
I still remember his words to me. He said "If you called me two days before I would leave everything and come to be with you, but now it is too late, because if I leave US at this moment I will not make it because it is 12 hours flight”. To make me happy and feel that he cares about me he called the school and he talked to my teacher. She put him on speaker and every one heard him. After that all the students were telling me that I am so lucky because my dad called the school to make me feel he is with me and not feel without dad.

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