Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Eureka Moment...Week 3

When I was a young girl I use to watch a lot of American movies in my country. I always wanted to be like the girls in the movies because they have a lot of freedom, they can do what ever they want and no one will tells them to stop, they can act the way they want and do what ever they want without getting the OK from the parents. Also,I always hear people talking about how much freedom young girls have in US.

When I came to US, I found that what I use to hear from people, and see on TV was not true. I found that there is many American families are more strict than people in my country. I found that not all girls have the freedom that boys have, not all girls can stay out late like boys, not all girls can do what they want any time they want, but they have to get the OK from their parents. So I found this thing is so much similar to what we have in my county.

But the thing that I don't understand until now is Why does movies always shows that girls have the same freedom and rights in US as boys when this is not true in most of the families.

1 comment:

  1. Maissa, I don't know the exact reasons why some US movies portray girls as having the same freedom as boys but I can speculate. I think we live in a idealist society, and the film-makers like to portray these ideals. Also, many movies aimed at young female audiences try to portray young women in a positive light and equal to boys/men in an attempt to increase the confidence of our youth. Our textbooks tell us that society doesn't treat women and girls the same as men and boys so perhaps these filmmakers are trying to change that.
    I wonder if also, it might be the movies you are viewing. Surely, not all movies portray girls as having the same freedom as boys. Can you give some examples?
